
Performance 11.03.2022

"Borte" is a play depicting the life of Mrs. Borte, the wife of Genghis Kagan, the ruler of the Mongol Empire. The production begins with the first acquaintance of 10-11-year-old Temuchin (Genghis Khan's real name) and Burte and covers the period of Genghis Khan's reign over a giant empire. The life of Mrs. Borte, who played a special role in the life of the empire, whose fate is full of drama and intrigue.



Performance 04.03.2022

Fariza is a performance that tells about the character of the poet, about the childhood inherent in the poet, about the greatness inherent in the poet, about the mysterious mystery of his nature.


Mahabbat Munarasy


The "Tower of Love", visible only to lovers, is a work born of perfect beauty. A serenade of love and art reigns here. This is a performance in which we see the name of beauty, searching in the core of pure, transparent art, penetrating into the feelings of a soul that has been faithful to its love all its life.

Characters and performers:

Artist-Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurkanat Zhakypbai,

Adult artist-Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Adil Akhmetov,

Young artists - Aibek Boranbayev, Temirlan Yerkingaliyev, Ak-Sultan Anuarbek, Nurim Fartparov

Sulu-Akbota Rahat, Zhuldyz Abdukarimova

Young actors and ballet dancers of the Turkestan Musical and Drama Theater



Performance 24.02.2022

The idea of staging "Shanyrak" was based on unity, solidarity, brotherhood of the Turkic peoples. The production is based on the nobility of the ancestral path, the continuity of generations, the vitality of the Turkic generation, honoring its past and striving for civilization. In the performance, demonstrating the nobility and selflessness of the Turkic people under a single shanyrak, both the stormy character and the steppe, dubirbyryp, a story told in the style of sybyzgy are intertwined.The past, present and future, through a consistent production, convey to the viewer the wisdom of the Turkic people, the depth of vision of the world, the appearance and relief of today's country in a short time, using the technical features of the stage.


The legend of Korkyt

Performance 21.05.2022

The plastic performance "The Legend of Korkyt" is dedicated to Korkyt, the spiritual priest of the Turkic peoples, the progenitor of art, who gave birth to the kobyz instrument and left an eternal legacy - wonderful kuis. But the world of the earth is a natural dauyldatyp, zhauyndatyp, just in a way that makes people from the world of Korkyt kobyz and kagashtan people, not to panic. Someone who has known the world to the sounds of a kobyz is shocked by what he saw and runs away from death. Zheruyyk is looking for a habitat. "Wherever he goes, to Korkyt," and finally returns to his homeland - to Syr-Daria, which is considered the navel of the world. The eternal struggle between Korkyt and peri-Martu, who opposed her great art to death, the crises of life in general, penetrated the light of goodness and creativity and sought to turn the Earth into a field of disharmony and enmity, is impressively reflected in the language of modern choreography. What are the golden cores of our spiritual roots? What is the secret of the mission of authentic art in the modern world? The play reflects on the viewer in



Performance 12.11.2022

Magzhan Zhumabaev is a figure of the Alash movement, a great poet, scientist, translator.He is an enlightened, national-liberation, democratic person. Magzhan devoted his poems to raising social issues, inviting people to art and education, and the topic of love. From the first steps of his poetry until his last breath, Magzhan Zhumabayev constantly discussed the theme of national liberation, making it the core of his poetry. The unity of the Turkic peoples was the golden thread of Magzhan poetry from the beginning.His life in the field of education, his love, his loyal service to the nation, the famine that swept the Kazakh steppe (1921-22) are the themes of the performance "Magzhan". In the performance, the audience sees the tragic fate of young Magzhan, Magzhan who is in love with life, Magzhan who suffered endlessly because of the plight of his country, put his head in danger, and the Kazakh people who were subjected to genocide several times.



Performance 21.01.2023

The protagonist Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin was very careful about work in the department. He liked to copy documents by hand. However, he did not enjoy a reputation among employees. Bashmachkin was ridiculed and ridiculed by young officials.Bir kүnі Akaki eskі shinelinіn tozygy zhetkenіn baykady. Olony tigіnshі Petrovichka is apprehended. Zhamap-zhaskap kiye turarmyn degen oyy iske aspady. Tiginshi zhondeuge kelmeytinin aityp, zhana overcoat tiktiruge kenes berdi.Bashmachkin threw all his expenses on sewing a new overcoat and received new outerwear. The day he wore it to the department, he was showered with compliments and congratulations, and in the evening he even celebrated his new coat with the staff. Someone takes Akaki's coat off as they walk home in the middle of the night. He puts on his old coat again and goes to the department. Officials suggest that he go to a "significant person" and ask for help. The "important man" yells at Bashmachkin and proves his "importance". Akaki, who did not understand anything, went out into the street. As soon as he got home, he went to bed with a cold wind blowing from under his old overcoat. Bashmachkin died a few days later. After that, he will not rest until he returns as a ghost in the form of an "official" and takes off the coat of the "important person".


Beu, kyzdar-ai!

Performance 01.05.2023

The play "Beu, kyzdar-ai!" is a comedy on the theme of love, made up of jokes and songs. Three talented and serious young men of the city go to the village to find of a life partner. One is a director, one is a poet, one is a composer. Their target is Aisulu, a handsome, lively, sharp designer of the village, and a singer, beautiful as the moon. This is where their love story begins. In the end, all three boys find their Aisulu in the village. Undoubtedly, interesting stories and beautiful songs will captivate any audience. Each scene is interwoven with humor and easily conveys the current issue of today.

Kelinder koterilisi

Performance 21.10.2023

The comedy "The Uprising of Brides" by the talented playwright of Uzbekistan said Ahmad, which has a history of more than forty years, has acquired a modern appearance on the stage of the Turkestan music and Drama Theater. The young director Dauren Sergazin made a new musical comedy for the Kazakh audience, effectively using the common values of the two neighboring states. The comedy" the uprising of brides " covers the life of a family in the city of Turkestan. Mother Fatima keeps her seven sons under one roof, marrying seven daughters. Unable to bear his harshness, the newly minted younger daughter-in-law calls on the Nigora Abyssinians to revolt. Mother Fatima, realizing that the brides of the new age will no longer give in, pulls out each one separately. In addition to the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the play covers family problems that take place in society.

Romeo & Juliet

performance 04.05.2024

The mad love of two young Romeo and Juliet has been facing the resistance of two hostile dynasties, the Montagues and the Capulets, since time immemorial. And their union ends in grief. The play covers such important aspects as life and death, love and evil, friendship and hostility.

In accordance with the peculiarities of the Turkestan Musical Drama Theater, modern scenography is used in the performance. Plus the artistic decoration with choreographic compositions, a new melody, an extraordinary performance by famous talents and reputable artists of the Young Theater, all in the style of the "new theater".



performance 18.05.2024

The main character of the play is a brave girl of the Kazakh steppe of the 18th century - Kalamkas Yeselbaevna. During the war, she saved 20-30 villages from starvation, despite the absence of a man in the village. The country still remembers the story of the heroine, who flew off a cliff at the age of 20. In 2009, a large mausoleum was erected in the western region in honor of Kalamkas Yeselbaevna. The poetic plastic performance "Kalamkas" shows the feat of a young girl who became a historical figure.

Turkistan theatre

The Turkestan Music and Drama Theater opened on May 11, 2021 with the participation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. Construction of the theater began in 2019 and was completed at the end of 2020. The theater consists of 4 floors and covers an area of 11,000 sq. m. The auditorium is designed for 511 people.On April 16, 2021, Ainur Kopbasarova, a well-known television and theater producer in Kazakhstan, was appointed director and artistic director of the theater. TMDT is an experimental and ambitious theater. Most of the actors and actresses of the theater are young people who have graduated from various universities around the world. Young talents have a happy opportunity to gain experience within the walls of the theater, participate in master classes of famous teachers, adapt to the stage through new roles. Actors and artists of TMDT are graduates of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, the Academy of Arts "Shabyt" Nur-Sultan, the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in St. Petersburg, A. Seleznev Choreographic School in Almaty, as well as the Vienna Academy "Belcanto". The first performance of the Turkestan Music and Drama Theater was presented to the public on October 9, 2021. The theater opened with the production of the play "Borte" by the famous Kazakh playwright Dulat Isabekov. Artistic director of the theater Ainur Kopbasarova, specially invited Italian director Davide Livermore and Carlo Sciaccaluga, set designer – Anna Varaldo, coordinator - Alice Ferranti, music composer - Hamit Shangaliev.

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